338L: Boy in India Who Gathers Orchids to Buy Books

Please help me find a book I read 30+ years ago. The plot is about a young, very poor boy in India (I believe) who gathers rare Orchids to sell to a rich white (I believe) woman. With the money he earns, he is able to buy books. The books are rare and precious treasures to him. Every time he finds a rare orchid she buys it and he hides his money under his sleeping mat until he has enough to buy a book. I will try to remember more if possible. Thank you, this is a book that has stayed in my memory and I wish to find and read it again.

3 thoughts on “338L: Boy in India Who Gathers Orchids to Buy Books

  1. Becca

    Also known as Tiger on the Mountain. I love it, too! It was in my classroom library in the 80’s and when I found a copy at a book sale as an adult I bought it.

  2. Harold Citron

    Thank you both for the title. I don’t believe I am the OP who asked the question, but the story re-popped into my memory just this past week. I remembered the boy searching for the orchids and his ultimate heroism in helping his sisters.


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