354M: Sand Mermaid Turns Into Real Mermaid

Small size wordless book. Child is at the beach and builds a mermaid of sand and shells. A wave washes the sand mermaid away. Last picture is a real mermaid in the water, waving goodbye to the child.

4 thoughts on “354M: Sand Mermaid Turns Into Real Mermaid

  1. mary A Grieve

    This book was in the collection when I was a children’s librarian in the 1990’s. It was old then and was culled after I left the library (darn!).
    It was small in size, maybe 6 x 8.

  2. Kelly W

    I vaguely remember this book too. I thought it was by Val Willis, and was a companion book tto The Mystery in the Bottle…only made smaller. But for some reason, Penelope Lively keeps coming to miind too..

  3. mary A Grieve

    Neither of those, sadly.
    I was certain it was a John Goodell book, but now not so sure, as none of his books that I have googled is the right one.


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