377C: Extra Tall Child

I do not remember much of this book unfortunately –  I read it when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade (2001-ish).  It was a picture book about a little girl that grew extremely tall. Her family or community had to make her clothes to try to keep up with how fat she was growing. The character girl had blonde hair that also got longer as she got taller. Her clothes looked like a patch work quilt because they were using whatever they had to make clothes big enough for her.  I think at one point one of the illustrations is her hiding behind a tree because she outgrew her clothes and had nothing on? 

1 thought on “377C: Extra Tall Child

  1. Beth Yendrek

    I think the book you remember is ASweetheart For Valentine by Lorna Balian. It’s a picture book about a girl who is a giant compared to the other townsfolk. They find her and take her in. Throughout the book they are all pitching in to make her clothes. She ends up married to a giant man who stumbles in to town one day. Her wedding dress is patchwork flowers because they grow with her. When I was young I thought it the most beautiful dress ever. Still do.


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