377E: Main character Terrie

I don’t have a lot to work with but it is a unique story so fingers crossed. I recall it was an English author – the main character was a brave, strong and resourceful young girl called Terrie. She so impressed me I decided at 13 years old I wanted to be a person like her, I knew would even change my name legally one day (and I did). I read it in 1967 from a country Australian library so it would unlikely be a new book so am guessing it was written in the fifties or very early sixties. It’s not much to go on, but there are very few books with a main character called Terrie. So I am just hoping someone may have also read it and knows the title or author. I don’t think it was a biography I recall it was fiction. As I am now 70 the chance to re read this book would be truly wonderful, and yes I did mould my character on her and had a very adventurous life- so am eternally grateful to the author. 

3 thoughts on “377E: Main character Terrie

  1. Ann

    Probably too early, and not spelled the same way, but there is Dorothea Moore: Terry the Girl Guide (1912) where the heroine is certainly brave and resourceful.


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