332Q: Hole In My Heart Interactive Book

I am looking for books that my husband used to read his children.  Here is as much as I know – but I really want to find them for his birthday.

Our kids are 15 and 13 years old, so it would be at least that old.

The author had at least two books:

  1. He thinks the titles are something like – Apple of My Eye and Hole in My Heart
  2. They are some kind of interactive book – the Hole in My Heart he said has a hole throughout the book on each page.
  3. Some lines he remembers – “you are the apple of my eye, you are the peach in my pie…”
  4. The hole in the heart is something along the lines of that the kids are a part of your heart and if they were gone you would have a hole in your heart.

I am his second wife so I was not there when he had these or read them to the kids.  I have tried for a year to find them and I can’t find them.

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