I am trying to find a children’s book probably printed in the 70s or 80s.
It was to teach children about colors. Each page featured a different color (I remember there were pages for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Brown, Black, and White). On each page the name of the color would be printed in that color, and there were various objects of that color illustrated (for example the Red page would have had an apple, a red barn, a cardinal bird, etc). Each page might have had ten or so illustrations on it. The non-primary-colored pages of this book (orange, grey, pink) had a small illustration to show how they made those colors by combining others. The illustrations were circles…red circle + white circle = PINK, red circle + yellow circle = orange, etc.
I am having a great deal of trouble remembering the exact illustrations, but I’m trying. I think that (among other things) the Yellow page had buttercups and a canary, Blue page had bluebells, Pink had a rose, White page had baby’s breath and maybe a jug of milk, Black page had some sort of berry(?)
The art style definitely had a vintage look to it, like so: