Category Archives: 1970s

207H: Children’s book about being afraid of the dinosaurs at the museum?

I am searching for a children’s book I enjoyed as a kid. I believe it would have been available by the late 70’s/early 80’s.

I don’t remember the title, but I remember it had to do with a kid who thought he/she wanted to go to the museum, but then when they got there, was scared of the giant brontosaurus. I remember an image of her pulling on her mom’s hand to get away from the dinosaur. I don’t really remember what else happened, but the book might have been about saying no to things, or getting over fears. The images were quite simple, I think.

207F: A Medieval king who may or may not live in a castle or something (I think) (Solved)

I’d like to identify and locate a favorite from my childhood but, as I enjoyed it before I was literate, can’t recall the title. Here are the details:

• I’m guessing it was published between 1970-87.
• It is set in the middle ages.
• The hero is a king who lives in a castle.
• There are multiple very short stories, the total being the average for a picture-based pre-literate children’s book.
• The title has a phrase like “…and other stories,” “…other tales,” or “The adventures of King…”
• Arrows and fire feature prominently in some of the multiple stories.
• It was from a popular, prominent kid’s book publisher; I don’t think it was a Little Golden Book, but could be wrong.
• To the best of my knowledge, it was not based on a prior story/book/legend/film/TV show.

That’s all I can remember, but I would recognize the cover if I saw it and hope this evidence is sufficient.

203E: Surrealist landscapes for kids

I’m looking for a picture kids book from probably the 70’s or early to mid 80’s. It was like traveling through surrealist or magical realist landscapes. Lots of architecture, like archways and pillars/columns, and far off landscapes, lots of lavender and greys, maybe had a feeling of Magritte paintings with lots of sky in the pictures, and men in suits, and some flat water.

I think it had a landscape orientation. It might possibly be one that has those weird half pages inside of it that show the picture in a different way when you turn the page, similar to Jacko, but it was much larger than that, and I’m not sure. I mostly remember the feeling of the images — surreal and weird landscape. Rob Gonsalves art somewhat reminds me of it:
Might have even had a man in a suit or bowler hat, maybe a weird statue garden. or an angel or woman.

Not sure if this is enough to go on.  Very cool site, hope you can help me as this has bothered me for decades!


198C: The Changeling (I think).

I read this book in the 70s. It was a chapter book. I’m a little vague on the plot, but I think a few kids get sent away to the country (might have been England wartime a la Lion Witch and Wardrobe). They go outside, and they are in a different world. There are SO many books named Changeling that I’ve been unable to find it. It is NOT the Snyder book.

196B: P.S. I Hate You (?) (SOLVED)

I read a young adult fiction book when I was about 13, probably published in the 70s. I was certain it was called PS I Hate You, but can’t find anything on Google with that title. It was about a teen girl, possibly named Marley, who leaves a note on the kitchen table, closing with P.S. I hate you and runs away to her father in the city. While living there, she falls in love with her English teacher when he introduces her to the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay (the same poem used in The Outsiders). She is also insulted by another teacher, who calls her “plain, plump and pimply.”

193D: Young adult book with boy hero chasing spies

Kids fiction. I probably read it in the late 1970s. A boy is worried that he’s discovered a spy or crime situation. One memorable scene: he and his grandmother (I believe he lived with her) are talking about it and he’s afraid their room is bugged so he makes them sit under a blanket to talk. There were simple line drawing illustrations which didn’t concern themselves much with actual human proportions.

192A: Where’s Charlie (We think)

It is a hardback children’s book that we read to our now 36 year old son in the late 70’s to mid 80’s.

It is about a little girl who has a pet mouse. One day she could not find him. Page after page, room after room she lloked for him; in the stove, refrigerator, closets, microwave, etc. . . . . NO CHARLIE! she finally found him asleep in the be in her doll house.

Please confirm the title and author for us so we can purchase them.

190B: Schizophrenic Teen

I’m looking for a book that was probably from the mid to late-1970s. It was about a high school girl, and I believe she was schizophrenic. There was a pond involved, and at one point she had her face down in the pond and was only saved when her older brother’s friend saw her and intervened. It was probably a Scholastic Books offering.

189B: Children Abandoned on farm (solved)

Oldest sister (story is her perspective) of I think 3 siblings keeps up appearances – keeps everything running so they can stay together. Careful not to let neighbors know they are alone, they make excuses why their mom has not been seen. They stretch the money they have, sell what they can, order clothes from Sears Catalog. The Story ends when the mom comes back. And although oldest is angry, she is relieved she is back in the end.
Young adult / teen coming of age fiction book, I read in the mid 70s.