Kids fiction. I probably read it in the late 1970s. A boy is worried that he’s discovered a spy or crime situation. One memorable scene: he and his grandmother (I believe he lived with her) are talking about it and he’s afraid their room is bugged so he makes them sit under a blanket to talk. There were simple line drawing illustrations which didn’t concern themselves much with actual human proportions.
Category Archives: 1970s
192A: Where’s Charlie (We think)
It is a hardback children’s book that we read to our now 36 year old son in the late 70’s to mid 80’s.
It is about a little girl who has a pet mouse. One day she could not find him. Page after page, room after room she lloked for him; in the stove, refrigerator, closets, microwave, etc. . . . . NO CHARLIE! she finally found him asleep in the be in her doll house.
Please confirm the title and author for us so we can purchase them.
190B: Schizophrenic Teen
I’m looking for a book that was probably from the mid to late-1970s. It was about a high school girl, and I believe she was schizophrenic. There was a pond involved, and at one point she had her face down in the pond and was only saved when her older brother’s friend saw her and intervened. It was probably a Scholastic Books offering.
189B: Children Abandoned on farm (solved)
Oldest sister (story is her perspective) of I think 3 siblings keeps up appearances – keeps everything running so they can stay together. Careful not to let neighbors know they are alone, they make excuses why their mom has not been seen. They stretch the money they have, sell what they can, order clothes from Sears Catalog. The Story ends when the mom comes back. And although oldest is angry, she is relieved she is back in the end.
Young adult / teen coming of age fiction book, I read in the mid 70s.
187A: “Ghost”
This was a paperback book that I read in the late 1970’s. I believe the story took place in the 1960’s or 1970’s. The cover of the paperback was white and a teenage girl’s face was looking out a window that had lacy curtains and I believe the curtains had daisies or flowers on the bottom of them. The picture on the cover had a sort of lacy dream look to it. The title of the book was “Ghost” or “Ghosts”, I do not know who the author was. Despite the title of the book, it had nothing to do with ghosts, the supernatural, or hauntings. It was a story of a teenage girl’s coming of age with her first high school boyfriend. The girl’s mother does die of pneumonia in the story, but again that is not the main storyline. In one part of the book the girl and her father go put to eat at a diner and the father kills a cockroach that crawls across the table with his thumb (Yuck!). Towards the end of the book the girl decides to stay overnight with her boyfriend and he gives her what is described as a “shy new bridegroom smile”.
183A: Three-Armed Gypsy Boy
Three-Armed Gypsy Boy – novel from 1970’s reviewed in the New York Times.
I am afraid I don’t remember more. I think he may have juggled. I think it might have been a trade size paperback. I borrowed it from the White Plains Library I think.
181E: Child’s Book Featuring the Miami Dolphins Football
I am looking for a book that a friend read when he was younger. Below is the only details I have:
1) Children’s Book purchased through a “scholastic” type of club
2) It’s about football, more specific has information about the Miami Dolphin’s Football Team
3) He was probably reading it between 1970-1975
4) I thought he mentioned something about the title having numbers in it – like One, Two, Three Kick or something like that.
5) He spent his childhood in Canada but the book definitely includes information about the Miami Dolphins’ Football team because he became a fan of the team because of the book.
Hopefully I haven’t stumped you because I would really like to find this book. I realize you don’t have a lot to go on.
180C: Book containing stand-up comedy scripts. (solved)
This was a paperback book published (probably) in the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. It included stand-up comedy transcripts from many different famous comedians. I think a Bill Cosby routine may have been in there, and I’m pretty sure I recall the Smothers Brothers’ “Mom Liked You Best” as well. Other people in the book may have included George Carlin and Robert Klein, but I can’t remember precisely.
Any help locating this title would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
179C: I believe it is titled ‘snowbound’ probably 1970s
I believe it is titled ‘snowbound’ probably 1970s, definitely prior to 1977. Boy whose hobby is collecting Wanted posters is spending time on cousin’s ranch/farm with I believe two cousins…all adolescents…they.encounter mysterious stranger…boy recognizes him from Wanted poster…the kids realize they’re in danger but can’t get help because of snow situation….eventually boy contacts dad and dad arrives with Wanted poster. Bad guy caught. I think the cover showed just a snowy landscape. This is NOT the story of Cindy and some guy, also titled Snowbound and also from the 70s. good luck and thank you!
175D: boy, ghost, orchard (solved)
i don’t know the title or author, which is why i need you. this is a YA type mystery or horror (not sure how they categorized things back then) from the late 70s early 80s. I probably got it through scholastic at school (i was in 4th or 5th grade at the time). i’ve searched and searched book covers for years and am hoping you can help.
i don’t remember much, but finding this book means so much because of events surrounding it during that period. dark green cover with a broken gravestone on it, possibly a crow, possibly trees (an orchard or grove) as well. the story itself was a boy gone to live with his grandparents (? or relatives in general?) and befriends a ghost in the walls/closet/something in the house. ends up in the orchard out back. finds the boy’s grave. god that’s not a lot to go on!
Thank you in advance!!