355E: Young Boy Begins Broadcasting Career (Solved!)

One of my favorite children’s books, from the late 1950’s or early 60’s.
I thought that the title was “T.V.Jones” … but the only thing I found was a 60’s cartoon by that name.
This was the story of a young boy who gets a job in a Television station … and his beginning a career in broadcasting.
Certainly not a big seller, and not really well written … but it spoke to me as a young boy,  and it started my interest in communications.

355D: Girl Spends Day With Mom, Boy Spends Day With Dad

I’m looking for a children’s book that I had in the mid 1970’s.  It was a hardcover book and I believe it was oversized.  The ‘first’ story was about a child (believe it was a girl) spending the day with her mommy.  You then flipped the book upside down & over and there was a ‘second’ story about the child spending the day with his/her daddy and they went to the zoo.  I remember a picture of them looking in the animal exhibit and the child is holding a balloon and I think they get ice cream.  I’m pretty sure it’s people and not animals (i.e. not the Mercer Meyer little critter book).

355C: Silly Goose Forgets to Invite Friends to Party (Solved!)

I’m delighted by this site and have a book that I’d enjoy seeing again. When I was in kindergarten in 1955, my favorite story was of a goose who decides to have a party for her friends. She cleans her house, and cooks and bakes up a storm. But no one shows up! Then she hears her friends chattering outside at the bus stop and learns that she forgot to invite them. They come in and enjoy her feast, so all ends well.

Obviously, this was a long time ago, so I don’t remember the name. Any one have a clue?

355A: Orphan Girl Has Pick of Families (Solved!)

An older orphan girl gets lucky and gets to stay with a few families over summer break. On her first train ride a nice gentlemen buys her an orange. He never eats his and  gives it to her before he gets off.
She stays with an older woman and has a lovely time. At the end of summer all of the families she stays with want to adopt her she chooses the older woman.  She thinks herself simple and not that pretty.

354Z: Father and Daughter Move into the Countryside

A young girl and her parents move from the city for her father’s health. They become pioneers in a way and are excited for their new lives. They have neighbors who the daughter befriends. She shows the youngest son how to wash dishes with sand. He tells her “One day you’ll be a beaut.”
She only thinks men with big teeth are attractive. There were small sketches through the book.

354Y: Elephant Overcomes Fear of Dark with Favorite Quilt (Solved!)

My stumper is a book about a little elephant going to bed, but she is afraid of the dark and can’t sleep until her mom brings her favorite quilt. I remember it having a lot of purple, lavender, and soft yellow. It would have been in the early 90s that we repeatedly checked this out from the library. My sister and I have searched off and on since high school for this book but neither of us remember the title or author!

354W: Eating sugar on snow (Solved!)

I’m looking for a book that I thought was written and illustrated by Tasha Tudor, and that I thought was called The Four Seasons. After much googling, I now doubt both author/illustrator and title.
Pale yellow cover, vertical orientation.
Published before 1985.
At the end of the book, the children eat sugar on snow.
Neither A Time to Keep nor Around the Year looks like my book.
Thank you for your help!

354V: The Comancheros?

Read in 6th grade about a Spanish highborn son that gets in trouble with the court (king's court). the family goes to the uncle’s hacienda in the new world, he and his brother are captured in an Indian raid, he ends up with a Comanche family and becomes a member of the tribe, he falls for an Indian girl possessed by a cruel Comanche, he goes on a raid to steal horses to buy her.