I hope that everybody is having a nice, healthy new year so far. I would like to sing the praises of a book that just came out – Soberful, by Veronica Valli. When I read this book, I was not struggling with sobriety, but I was struggling with depression and anxiety and Valli’s book really helped me look at myself and my emotions in a whole new way.
For those who are newly sober, or wanting to get sober, this book is a wonderful tool! The material is simple – perfect for those in mental chaos – but enlightening. Valli’s program is not recovery group based. She mentions that these groups can be helpful in early sobriety, but she has her own program of five pillars of sobriety. There are also journal prompts for each concept that help a reader tie it in with what is going on inside. Please, if you are struggling with your drinking, consider reading this book and learning from Valli’s hard earned wisdom. You are worth it.