
EngagedThe highlight of the day: a marriage proposal in the store.  We were a part of the scheme.  Yesterday, a favorite book was purchased: a first edition of Taylor Caldwell’s Dear and Glorious Physician.  And, from Strong Bindery, a hollowed-out book, a Rainbow Classic edition of Gulliver’s Travels, proved to be of near-equal size for the Caldwell dust jacket.  Today, at the end of a scavenger hunt, the couple arrived at Loganberry Books and a clandestine pass-off of the book with engagement ring inside occurred.  Couple browsed, but when I asked if I could help them find anything, I was only too delighted to take them back to the sanctuary and hand over a stack of interesting Taylor Caldwell titles to peruse.  Later, we got to congratulate the happy couple.  As Christine put it, they were too adorable for words.

About Harriett

Harriett started Loganberry Books in 1994, acknowledging that what she liked best about perpetual school was the physical objects called books. Her personal biblio interests range from Robert Lawson to Virginia Woolf and various and asundry illustrated editions of Alice in Wonderland and old lepidoptera.
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