102D, Solved: Children’s Mysteries

I used to read children’s mysteries in the early 1970’s and am looking for them for my son.  They were written much like the Boxcar Children but set in Canada, at least one in Montreal.  I think they were written in the 1960’s, possibly before.


2 thoughts on “102D, Solved: Children’s Mysteries

  1. Donna Wise

    This is a bit of of a stretch, but have you looked at the Happy Hollisters? They weren’t set in Canada, but at least one of them, The Ice Carnival Mystery, takes place in Canada. There were 33 books written mostly in the 60s by the pen name Jerry West..If I had to pick a series that I felt most closely resembled The Boxcar Children, it would be this series. Another children’s mystery author was Mary C Jane. Hers weren’t really a series, but she wrote several children’s mysteries in the 60s. She also has a title set in Canada, Mystery in Old Quebec.Again, neither of these suggestions quite fit your description, but it has been a few years since the 60s!!!


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