103C: science fiction with twinkie title

I found this book at the library in 1985, it may have been published in the 70s. I believe it was young teen science fiction, it had a long title that included the word “Twinkie” (possibly plural). Central character was a girl.

2 thoughts on “103C: science fiction with twinkie title

  1. Mrs. Cooper

    Are you sure of the ‘Twinkle’ in the title. Biggest title that jumps out at me from that time period and sitting on a sci-fi/young teen shelf with a female protagonist would be “A Wrinkle in Time”.

  2. dennis lien

    A long shot: TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR by Ben Barzman is an sf novel from circa 1960; it was published as adult rather than juvenile (I remember at least one mild sex scene). Told in the first person by a man, but the “main” character is an alien in the form of an adult female. So, as I said, a long shot.

    The novel has also been published as ECHO X (in US pb) and as OUT OF THIS WORLD (UK title). Cover of the US hc can be seen here:



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