103D, solved: Witch Pretending to be a Girl

I am looking for and requesting a children’s book that my fourth-grade teacher read to us in 1974 about a witch pretending to be a girl. She goes to school with a girl and pulls the school fire alarm.


5 thoughts on “103D, solved: Witch Pretending to be a Girl

  1. Panda Rosa

    I doubt this is the one, but your comment puts me in mind of “Ghosts Who Went To School” by Judith Spearing. These are ghosts, not witches, and they happen to be two young boys who try to blend in with the other kids at school. There is a cute part where the ghost boys turn invisible in order to playfully torment a bully who was messing up the Christmas decorations. Hope you find your book.

    1. Linda

      Thank you for replying. The ghost book is not the one, but it sounds neat anyway. I remember that the witch pretending to be a girl had people suspicious because there was something about her that didn’t look like a regular girl.

  2. Jen

    I can’t recall the fire alarm, but I wonder if it could be The Little Leftover Witch by Florence Laughlin? -from a librarian

  3. Joyce

    The book you’re looking for is “Glenda” by Janice May Udry, published in 1969. Glenda is a witch who can change herself into things. After seeing some children rushing home from school, she decides to turn herself into a little girl and attend school. There is a chapter called “The Fire Alarm”.

  4. Linda

    Your book stumper service is great as usual! Joyce solved it. It is Glenda by Janice May Udry, published in 1969.


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