103E: Melting Marshmallows

The book as I remember it: Soft cover bedtime stories…blue maybe? Looked kinda like a coloring book, but was bedtime stories.
The story: Took place in a candy store, at night all the candy came alive. The only thing I really remember is the marshmallows starting to melt. It would have been in the 1960’s probably. it was my favorite story as a kid and would love to read it to my grandson. Hope you can find it…I have had no luck. Thanks.

0 thoughts on “103E: Melting Marshmallows

  1. Heather Steinmiller

    Rats – I think I may have also owned this book when I was a child but I can’t remember the title either. One of the stories had a princess who liked baking cherry pies. One was a man who wished for wealth from a leprechaun (?) who gave him a wooden chest that refreshed itself with gold coins every day, until finally he wishes to go back to his poorer original life. I remember the story of the candy shop too. It is indeed a light blue cover. I wish I could be more helpful, but you’re not alone in remembering the book!

  2. Heather Steinmiller

    Found it! “A Treasury of Bedtime Stories” compiled by Judith Klugmann, Hart Publishing Company, New York, 1960.


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