104A: Black, Pink, and White

Just note that the book I’m searching for is definitely not “A Birthday for Frances”.

My sister and I first saw this book in our elementary school back in the mid 70’s in the midwest of Canada. It was probably an American book perhaps from the 50’s or 60’s.
It was a smallish hard back book. The most prominent aspect was that it was made up of 3 colors, black, pink (my sister thinks it was bright magenta) and white.
The premise of the book seemed to revolve around a black and white animal family (skunks?) and a birthday cake with pink candles. My sister seems to remember that the drawings were very simple using black heavy lines. One of my recollections is that the end pages had vertical black and pink stripes.

Can you help us? We are so desperate to find this book again!!

5 thoughts on “104A: Black, Pink, and White

  1. Jen the Librarian

    It only came out in the 70s, but since you read it in the 70s, it might be worth looking at A BIRTHDAY FOR FRANCES by Russell Hoban

    1. Maya de Forest

      It’s definitely not a Birthday for Frances. I believe the book is prominently black (cover as well…). All the text pages were either full black or pink I believe.

        1. Maya

          Thank you for the suggestion. That is not it however. šŸ™
          I think its definitely late 60’s. The book is prominently black and pink with white highlights. More of a picture book than a text driven book.
          Thanks for your input!

    2. mdeforest

      All the same elements as that book but not any of the Frances books. This book has prominent bold black backgrounds I believe with details in pink and white.


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