104E: Wordless Children’s Book About an Apple

I am looking for a children’s book that has a red hardback cover.  I believe the pages inside are all black & white.  There are no words.  It is a picture story about an apple.  At one point I think the apple is thrown out a window.  No, it is not The Giving Tree – that has a green cover.  It’s size is about 5 x 7 and it is vertical.  I don’t know the title.

9 thoughts on “104E: Wordless Children’s Book About an Apple

    1. JD

      No, it’s not “Heartbeat”. The story (I think) is about a boy who eats this apple and then throws it out the window and it grows a new apple tree. It tells the life cycle of an apple tree without words. The pages are white and black like the inside of an apple and the cover is bright red like the outside of an apple. The book did have a dustcover, but it wasn’t red. Thank you for all your help everyone!

  1. Jen the Librarian

    I wonder if it could be WHO’S GOT THE APPLE? by Jan Loof. But it’s not wordless. Take a look (online search will bring up the cover) if only to rule it out.

  2. Jared

    While it’s not about an apple, “The Red Book” by Barbara Lehman is a wordless book with a red cover about a red item that I believe falls out a window at some point. It’s in color, though.


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