121K: Brother and Sister One Named Bunney (solved)

Looking for a children’s book, possibly dating from 1930’s, about a brother and sister, one of whom is named Bunney, who help an older couple clean up their store – washing windows, dusting, rearranging the shelves- to get the business going again. Might be one of a series. Hardback.

2 thoughts on “121K: Brother and Sister One Named Bunney (solved)

  1. chanda

    I think you might be looking for Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue Keeping Store (1922) by Laura Lee Hope. Bunny and Sue help Mrs. Golden, who runs the corner store. The store is in danger of closing because Mrs. Golden owes a lot of money to her suppliers, but business is slow. Her health is not up to the challenge of running the store alone, and her son, who usually helps her, is out of town. Bunny and Sue pitch in, sweeping, helping customers to find things, and even washing the windows and making a window display to attract more customers. Bunny also comes up with the idea of using his shetland pony, Toby, to pull a wagon so they can deliver groceries to the customers. Despite their help, Mrs. Golden does not make enough money to pay off her creditors, but just when it seems the store will close after all, her son Phillip arrives with the good news that he has inherited several thousand dollars – more than enough to settle what they owe and keep the store.

    This book is part of a series of Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue books. Laura Lee Hope also wrote the popular Bobbsey Twins series.


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