138C: Raining Hearts (Valentine’s Day)

I’m looking for a book I read around 1987.  It was a seasonal children’s picture book for valentines day.  It was hardback and I don’t remember it having words.  I believe it was mostly black and white except for the hearts (valentines)I remember some being mailed and remember it raining hearts.


2 thoughts on “138C: Raining Hearts (Valentine’s Day)

  1. Becca

    The book you’re thinking of might be The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond, or Four Valentines in a Rainstorm, which is how it was originally published. Same book, slightly different illustrations.

  2. Mary Culpepper

    I’m looking for a similar book. This book I’m thinking of had short stories in it. I remember one story was about a little boy who tried to cut a heart out and kept cutting until he had a tiny one.


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