142C: Scholastic Short Story Contest Winner – Gargoyles come to life! (solved)

I am looking for a book I bought at school thru the Scholastic Book Club, 1982-1986.
The author was 18 and had written a short story that won a contest. The book I bought was the longer version of that story written after the contest, althou it was only around 120 pages I believe.
The story was about a misfit high school boy who made models of gargoyle-like creatures that were about 3 feet tall and for some reason they came to life. The cover was of the boy in his living room and in the background on the stairs was a set of gargoyle legs coming to get him.
I called Scholastic a few years ago to ask about contest winners as I thought it would be the
easiest way to find a name but they referred me to their Canadian office and they never got back to me.


4 thoughts on “142C: Scholastic Short Story Contest Winner – Gargoyles come to life! (solved)

  1. Dru

    I think you want Dragon Fall, by Lee J. Hindle, copyright and published in 1984. I just found my copy and the plot matches, and there is a blazon on the cover stating “Flare Competition Winner”.


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