145U: Kitten mixing paint colors in buckets painting house helping (solved)

From 1960-1970’s? Maybe a STORY BOOK Greetings type book – it was long and thin – A kitten trying to be helpful painting a house – House was a strange shape – Pyramid maybe? mixing wrong colors in buckets – making new colors.  Man throws bucket -paints mix more in air – leaving spots on kitten


5 thoughts on “145U: Kitten mixing paint colors in buckets painting house helping (solved)

  1. Kim - Original Poster

    Thank you for the suggestion, but no, it was not The Color Kittens 🙁
    I purchased a copy of it to confirm. Bummer.
    I’m thinking it may have been influenced by it though, because I can see some similarities.
    I believe it was actually a “Birthday Book” or a story book greeting book -perhaps by Gibson? I live in California, and I believe it was purchased there.
    In the early 1970’s it was popular to have a birthday book, or greeting book that was published by the greeting card companies – they were maybe 14-20 pages at most. The dimensions of the book were appx. 8/12″ tall by 5″ wide.
    I really appreciate everyone’s help in trying to find this – It has great sentimental value to me. Thank you!

  2. Kim Golding

    Great News! I found my book! YAY!

    The full title is “The Colorful Story of How the Leopard Got Its Spots – A Birthday Book” – Illustrated by Marjorie Cooper –
    It is a Gibson “Story Book” Greetings book – USA – Printed in 1971.

    Thanks again to everyone who responded and helped in my quest!


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