I was very happy to find your website. I am currently stumped by a book I read as a child (lets say, during the 70s). Generally speaking, the plot is that a group of kids/teenagers take over an island in between Canada and US and create a nation. The book opens (I think …) with the sister arguing with her brother who is in a band (I think …) and she has red hair (I think … ). I believe (I think …) the ending does not work out that well for the newly formed nation / the kids, and that there is some “father knows best” sentiment, ultimately. In any case the bit I am most confident about is the nation / island / US-Canada waters.
Thank you for any help!
Solved on another board: Meanwhile, Back at the Castle, by Hope Campbell.
Meanwhile, Back at the Castle is the sequel to another book: Why Not Join the Giraffes? It’s also very 70s hip, fun and excellent!