154C: boy in castle and ghost from macbeth

I think it was in 1978, while in 2nd grade, I read a mystery book about a boy visiting a castle (I think in Scotland) and there were ghosts trying to tell him something. I think I remember something about the ocean and maybe characters who names were like those in Macbeth or another Shakespeare book


4 thoughts on “154C: boy in castle and ghost from macbeth

  1. Kelly W

    That description sounds a little like it could be both Poor Tom’s Ghost and/or The Bassumtyte Treasure, both by Jane Louise Curry. They’re the right time period.

    Good luck!

  2. lee lindsey

    Thank you. I looked at the suggested books and it’s not one of those. I want to say it took place at a castle in Scotland. ??? It was so long ago and I may be remembering it wrong but it seems like a female ghost approaches the boy at a beach or cliff very early one morning or at late at night ???

  3. Maeve

    Is it possible it was a book called The Master? Because that sounds familiar, and that’s the title I’m remembering.


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