166C: Girl Keeps Thing in a Sock.

A girl (dirty?), who carried a sock with some sort of animal (frog?) in it everywhere & maybe put more stuff in the sock along the way. I think the book itself was small in size? I’m pretty sure it’s not JunieBJones, Ramona, maybe Pippi but I don’t rem a monkey or horse. Please help!


1 thought on “166C: Girl Keeps Thing in a Sock.

  1. Jennifer

    A little bit of a long shot, but could this be Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth by EL Konigsburg?

    It’s about a young girl who befriends another girl, who claims she’s a witch. Over the course of the book, she has to collect items – and she keeps them in her sock drawer. The girls also have a pet frog (because every witch needs a familiar), called Hilary Ezra.


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