171G: scary short stories book from the 80’s

I remember a bit about a few stories from the book. 1) A blob like thing killing people 2) A small friendly alien that a child is able to see in his house. The creature is surprised the child can see him and makes some adjustments to something so he cant be seen next time. 3) A third was set in the future where a child asks an older person what a book is, and the adult says “words that stay”.
I could be remembering wrong but I think those were all stories from the same book.
The book could have been published in the 70’s or 80’s, I remember getting it from the library sometime in the early 80’s.  I hadn’t finished reading it and my dog destroyed it, pages all over my back yard.
Thanks for any help you can provide!

1 thought on “171G: scary short stories book from the 80’s

  1. Trish

    This sounds very familiar to me, and I wonder if it could be by Ray Bradbury. It sounds like him. Google turns up quite a few blogs called “Words That Stay”- you could try asking the bloggers where they got the phrase. Wish I could be more helpful- good luck!


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