I read this book as a child in the mid-90s. It might have been published earlier. Unfortunately I remember nothing, except for the cover, which showed two girls (age ~8) standing in a stormy ocean, wearing Medieval-ish dresses. One of them is collapsed and the other is supporting her.
Was this about a group of young girls/friends on an island, the name hope rings a bell, she was a twin to Hannah? Maybe?
Quest for a maid?
Maybe Quest for a Maid by Frances Mary Hendry?
Hi everyone, original asker here.
The book is “Quest for a Maid” by Frances Mary Hendry, published in 1988. Historical fiction with fantasy, set in Scotland.
My friend posted a drawing I did of the cover on reddit and someone recognized it: http://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/29malv/tomt_book_recognize_this_book_cover_kidsya/