I´m looking for an english Children´s book, which my aunt used to read (in it´s german translation) before 1960. As long as she remembers is the story about an orphan child (female). This girl is sent to her uncle who lives in some kind of castle or gloomy manor house on an island. A janitor, who´s gatehouse lies at the end of a tunnel and wolves seem to play an importend role. A vicious man steals the hearts of the children in the village and turnes them into ravens / crows. The girl contracts a friendship to the son of the janitor and they rescue the children. The story brings in mind A. Lindgrens „Mio my son“ or J, Aiken „The Wolves of Willoughby Chase“ but it´s none of them.
Maybe Maria Gripe’s The Glassblower’s Children?
No and more´s the pity. It´s not the Glasblower´s Children.
Many thanks, anyway!