The book I am seeking was called Hyppo the Hippo. I’m not even sure how it was spelled. We pronounced it with a long I – Hypo?. It was a book very like the Barbar books in shape and had colored illustrations of hippos in human clothes. The baby hippo was left on a doorstep in a wicker wash basket. I imagine it was published in the 40’s
Hi-Po the hippo /
Author: Thomas, Dorothy, 1898-; Gannett, Ruth Chrisman.
Publication: New York : Random House, 1942
Document: English : Book : Fiction : Juvenile audience
Libraries Worldwide: 20
The book is How The Baby Hippo Found a Home, by Dorothy Thomas and illustrated by Ruth Garnett, first published in 1942. I think there was a reprint in 1947
Hi-Po was the name of one of the hippos. The cover was a group of hippos in officer uniforms with a crying little baby hippo in a yellow basket with a red blanket.. It was a Wonder Book.
If you google the title and Pinterest you can see the cover/