240B: Carrying The Mail In Old Florida

I read this book in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s. It was in our school library. It was about a boy who was hired to carry the mail along the Florida coast before any development of the Florida coast took place. Along the way he saw many interesting sights and had various adventures. Finally he met a young girl and the two of them hid under an abandoned rowboat for protection in a hurricane. I don’t remember the title or the author. But I would sure like to be able to read that story again. It must have been written for older children or teens.



7 thoughts on “240B: Carrying The Mail In Old Florida

  1. Allen Jett

    This is Everglades adventure by Stephen W. Meader ; illustrated by Charles Beck. Harcourt, Brace, c1957.
    “16 year old Toby Morgan’s family moves from New Jersey to Fort Dallas (Miami), Florida just after the Civil War. Years of exploring and adventuring in the Florida wilderness launch Toby on a fascinating scientific career.” Meader is a great writer for teens and this is an exciting novel.

  2. crrunion

    I don’t think that Everglades Adventure is the book I’m looking for. I don’t remember anything about finding a lost native tribe or the scientific career. The story is about a kind of pony express mail delivery assignment without the horse. The boy was walking along the beach to carry the US Mail from one point to another. In the book that I’m looking for, the climax of the story was the hurricane. So if anyone knows the book I’m looking for, please post here.



    1. Allen Jett

      Everglades Adventure includes a chapter where the boy and a young girl hide under an abandoned rowboat for protection in a hurricane. Check it out and see!


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