274A: Female character called “Thingy” (Solved)

This is a fantasy book from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s.  The story centers around a young girl who is raised as a servant by a witch.  The setting is the swampy area near a river.  Because the witch has told the girl she is ugly, when the girl comes in contact with other people (which is rarely), the girl wears a mask to hide her ugly face.  The witch calls the girl “Thingy.” In the story, the girl accompanies a stranger in a boat on the river.  She is escaping (?) the witch or acting as a guide(?) for the man.  During the journey, the girl learns her true identity and the truth about her appearance.

2 thoughts on “274A: Female character called “Thingy” (Solved)

  1. sue

    ‘The Unlikely Ones’ by Mary Brown. She is accompanied by some animals, and they all have gemstones embedded in their bodies by the witch.The quest is to get the stones removed.


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