276F: Scuba diving adventures

Juvenile fiction from late 1960s or early 1970s with color illustrations of a teen boy and his father/uncle and their adventures scuba diving. I worked in the school library when I was 13-14 and was fascinated by this book, which piqued my interest in oceanography. I’ve searched on and off for many years. It’s not Sea Hunt and it’s not a Hardy Boys book. Any help locating a copy of this book would be much appreciated.

4 thoughts on “276F: Scuba diving adventures

  1. Donna Wise

    This could be The Mystery of the Burning Ocean by Mel Lyle published in 1965, #3 in the 6 book Power Boys series. The Powers brothers, Jack and Chip, travel to Bermuda with their photojournalist father and solve a mystery. The cover is lime green with the two brothers scuba diving but I believe the internal illustrations are three color line drawings.

  2. Tim Gray

    What about Hans Hass’s book ‘Diving to Adventure’? I had this in the 1960s when I was young and it similarly inspired me. Recently re-acquired the 1963 Arrow paperback version I had – for nostalgic reasons.


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