I’m looking for a children’s book I read as a child.
There’s a dark-haired little girl (maybe a Sarah, but I’m not sure) who goes outside to play in the snow (I think they build a snowman), but doesn’t put on her coat/mittens/hat/etc. When she comes back in, she gets sick. I think they give her a bath but it doesn’t work and she’s basically bedridden for most of winter. At some point she has a fever dream where she’s dancing with snowmen in some sort of winter world. When she wakes up, it’s springtime and I think she goes to a grandparent’s house, where the trees are in bloom, and the white blooms look like the winter world and she runs happily through them since she’s been cooped up for so long.
Beautiful illustrations. Would love to look for a copy for my daughter. Thanks in advance!
Hi, I am pretty sure it is Debbie’s dream by french author Gilbert Delahaye and the lovely illustrations of Marcel Marlier.
See if you recognise the front cover: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1539745.Debbie_s_Dream
There are more books in the series and they were translated into many languages, mine is from my childhood and is in icelandic 🙂