In 1974, aged 4, I repeatedly traced the letters of the book which I recall was entitled Who Owns the Sun?
I have since looked for it and only ever found Chbosky’s Who Owns the Sun online; that is not the book I’m seeking.
In the book I remember, it was thin and paperback with color drawings. The illustrations may have been watercolors but my memory isn’t certain.
The storyline: a chick hatches from its egg on a farm. Once out of the egg, the chick goes from farm animal to farm animal asking “who owns the sun?”
Each farm animal’s response is somewhat unique but amounts to “I don’t know,” or “it isn’t known.” The chick does not learn who owns the sun by the end of the story.
A bit of a long shot:
Baker, Betty. The Sun’s Promise; illus. by Juliette Palmer. Abelard- Schuman, 1962. 31p.
That’s not the one I’m looking for but thank you so much for your kind suggestion.
How the Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky by Mira Ginsburg and illustrated by Jose Aruego?
So Close! Thank you. It isn’t the book I remember but charming how similar.