314M: A Silver Tree, Then A Golden Tree, Then a Diamond Tree

1970s book. Boy or girl goes to live with aunt, who is a good witch. The first thing they do is have tea; pastries grow from a plant in the center of the table. Kid meets another kid; they work to fight an evil witch, at one point, with rowan berries (“Rowan berries and red thread stop a witch in her speed”). They must go to a magical place, where they see a silver tree, then a golden tree, then a diamond tree. That’s pretty much all I remember. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “314M: A Silver Tree, Then A Golden Tree, Then a Diamond Tree

    1. IRO

      I’m the original poster. I forgot the name of this site, remembered the book again in 2024, then came upon my original query. Thank you so much for your response; this is the book I’ve been wondering about for years!


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