316N: 3-D Glasses Lead to Magic World

I am looking for the title of a book I read when I was a child, in about 1965 or so. It was about a girl who was at home, ill in bed, while her friends went to the 3-D movies. She couldn’t go due to her illness, but her friends brought her a pair of the 3-D glasses. When she put them on, she was transported to a magic world. It seems to me like there was lemonade rain but I’m not sure.

Does this ring a bell with you?

4 thoughts on “316N: 3-D Glasses Lead to Magic World

  1. Nancy Klepacki

    YES! I have looked for that story for FOREVER with no luck! I seem to remember the townspeople running all over with buckets, pots and pans, trying to catch the lemonade! This would have been in the mid to late 1960s!


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