I had a very favorite book which was either from the 60’s or early 70’s. I was born in 1962, so I’m leaning towards the 60’s but I could be wrong.
I could have sworn the title was “It’s My Room”. I have no idea who the author was, illustrator etc. I might even be off on the title, but for some reason it sure rings a bell with me.
The book was about two sisters who shared a bedroom. They were best friends until they weren’t. Then they decided the only way to fix the problem was to split the room in two.
They did this right down the middle with tape or something like that. One sister got to have the window to look out to see what was going on outside. She thought she had the best deal, until the other sister left the room through the door…which the other sister would have to cross the line in order to leave the room. She stayed in the room but realized her mistake. Pretty soon, they become friends again and she could leave the room with her sister and all is well with the world.
I particularly loved this book because I grew up with many siblings and always shared a room and only dreamed of having my own room. (Probably why my Mom bought this for me.)
I hope you can locate this book/title for me. I would so appreciate it! I have tried on my own and have not come up with anything, however I remember it vividly.
This Room is Mine?
A Summer To Die by Lois Lowry?
Could this be A Room for Cathy by Catherine Woolley?
I had this book! She split the roomwith a jumprope. Mama Squirrel was right, it is This Room Is Mine by Betty Ren Wright. I found a crappy youtube “reading” of it. But you can see the illustrations: https://youtu.be/UZEhpIPz-wM
I had this book too! She split the room with her jumprope. Mama Squirrel is right. It’s called This Room Is Mine by Betty Ren Wright. I found a horribly loud reading of it on youtube. https://youtu.be/UZEhpIPz-wM