334P: Unsuccessful Boy Struggles With Successful, But Strange, Sister

I have not read this book, but saw it in a list somewhere about 3 years ago, give or take. Family who has genius or academically successful children, except one boy or the boy is different, but I can’t remember in what sense, book might be about this boy and his struggles in the family. Synopsis I read mentioned a sister (of the boy) who is exceedingly successful in school but is strange. Sorry, that’s all. It could possibly be YA but not sure at all. Thanks all

5 thoughts on “334P: Unsuccessful Boy Struggles With Successful, But Strange, Sister

  1. Alec

    That could be a partial description of A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L’Engle. The boy is actually the most gifted and the strangest, and a sister is narrating who is less so, but the family being “special” is central to the plot.


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