Back in the 1970’s we read a book about a little boy who wouldn’t take a bath. He got so dirty he went to live in what I remember to be a cave with dirty “people.” They may have been more like ogres or something. I remember that he at first loved being filthy, but I think he then missed his family.
I don’t remember much else. Something about rotten eggs comes to mind, but I’m not sure why. This book was read over 40 years ago, so my recollection isn’t so great.
Thank you! I can’t wait to see if anyone can figure this one out!
Hello – I was just looking for a book like this! And I found it! The Little Boy Who Loved Dirt and Almost Became a Superslob by Judith Vigna
Hope this is the book you’re looking for!
It’s ‘Mike’s Dirty, Yucky, Icky, Sticky Adventure’
NVM actually it’s not