340Q: Man Fights Wolverine

I’m looking for a book I read as a child which I checked out of a public library in Seattle in the early - mid 1950’s. The book could be older than that. It was the very first book I checked out, and led to a lifelong love of libraries.

The plot line was about a mountain man who lived alone in a log cabin and a wolverine chewed his way into the cabin, and the man had to figure out what to do.


1 thought on “340Q: Man Fights Wolverine

  1. Gill

    This could be the first story in ‘Wilderness Men’ by Howard O’Hagan, pub 1958.

    The story is ‘The Black Ghost’, and tells of Old Man MacNamara, his cabin, and the wolverine that ransacked it. A porcupine is central to the outcome.


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