The story revolves around a young girl who is either estranged or has a strained relationship with her family, which some may describe as “trailer trash” or poor. The family collectively gifts her a pair of large and lifelike wings, which is a significant moment for her. The gift of wings came after her birthday didn’t turn out as expected.
Describe notable characters:
The main character is a young girl, possibly with a difficult home life.
The family members may possibly depicted as problematic or dysfunctional.
It’s a coming-of-age novel, not strictly a fantasy book but may have some symbolic or fantastical elements.
The book:
I think the cover was primarily blueish purple. There may be an image of a girl sleeping in a tent in her yard. It was a medium-length novel. About 500 pages.
The setting seemed contemporary to when it was published, which was before 2003.
Where did you get the book?
I believe I borrowed it from a school library or got it from a book fair. It might have been relatively new, but I’m not certain.