377O: White Cat Changes Colors

Probably from the 1940’s or 1950’s

It is about a white cat, probably a Persian, who is entered in a show.  The cat gets out of the house and becomes painted with red and blue paint.  The daughter of the owners says let’s take her to the show anyway and the cat wins first prize.

3 thoughts on “377O: White Cat Changes Colors

  1. MamaSquirrel

    The classic along these lines is Peppermint, although not all the details match. But I seem to remember a similar episode in one of Carolyn Haywood’s Betsy books.

  2. Sandra

    MammaSquirrel. . . thanks for responding. I appreciate it. I don’t remember too much about the book other than the cat was white, long-haired and after getting out and into some paint was then a very patriotic red, white & blue, which is why it was named awinner in the show.

    I checked out Peppermint and the details don’t seem familiar to me.

    Enjoy, Sandra


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