253C: Two girls form a friendship and write a book

Children’s book, probably writer in the 40’s or 50’s about two women who were friends when they were younger. They had started a book; one girl would write a chapter and then pass it to the other who would do the same. They had a teacher who they didn’t like. The teacher had hair that was rolled in a bun that looked like sausages. They also painted illustrations for the book on the wax paper the Shredded Wheat biscuit came in.


3 thoughts on “253C: Two girls form a friendship and write a book

  1. Kelly W

    It’s by Carol Ryrie Brink, author of Caddie Woodlawn and Baby Island. I know “Two” is in the title, but I can’t remember the complete title!

  2. Mel

    Are you still looking?
    I remember one about two girls writing a book and taking turns with chapters. One of the chapters had the word coconut in it, only the girl spelt it wrongly ( something like cococonut). They only realised the ridiculousness of the spelling mistake when somebody’s brother? found the book and teased them about it. I read it in Australia in probably the 70s or possibly early 80s. I suspect the book is much older because coconuts were extremely exotic in the book.

    Unfortunately, I don’t recall the name or author. Not by Carol Brink. I don’t recall the teacher particularly either.
    All the best with your search.


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