309Y: Jasmine One and Jasmine Two

A children’s book that I read in approximately 1982 when I was perhaps 9ish.
It was about a girl who was two children (an imaginary friend perhaps). One of the lines I remember is ‘people thought when they were talking to Jasmine (name may be different) they were talking to one little girl but really they were talking to two’.
They were called, Jasmine One and Jasmine Two.  Jasmine One was a good little girl and Jasmine Two liked to climb trees and ride bicycles with her skirt hitched up.  Jasmine Two would take over Jasmines One and get up to mischief.
It ends with Jasmine Two climbing on the roof of the family home to rescue a cat.  When she is up there people become concerned and I think she gets stuck and fire brigade comes to rescue her.
While she is on the roof Jasmine Two becomes as light as the wind and leaves forever.
Jasmine One grows up and becomes a pilot and flies through the sky just like Jasmine Two.
I loved this book so much as a kid, I would love to find it again.

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