121C: Two Children meet a house’s previous children from long ago who have died. (solved)

Children’s story set in 40’s or 50’s in America.  Two children move into an (old?) house and meet two other children, now dead, who had lived there in the past.  There was a garden.  I read it 1980.


4 thoughts on “121C: Two Children meet a house’s previous children from long ago who have died. (solved)

  1. ghost of the doppelganger

    My first thought went to “Chimneys of Green Knowe,” by Lucy M. Boston, though it’s just one boy in the present (which was the 1950s) and two children from the past. The garden does figure in with regard to tree-climbing and a hidden object. But please do post any other details you can remember, as there are lots of stories with that basic construct.

  2. Jen the Librarian

    I wonder if it could be THE GHOSTS by Antonia Barber? It was published at different times w/ different covers, in case the cover doesn’t match your memory.

  3. Amanda

    I first thought of the Green Knowe books as well, but they weren’t set in America. The Children of Green Knowe also involves a child now interacting with the ghosts of children from an earlier time.


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