Category Archives: 1940s

257F: A girl befriends an otter

My mom is looking for a book from her early childhood that was destroyed in a fire.  She was born in 1952 in Ohio.  So this book was probably from the 50s.  She cannot remember the name of the book.  It was probably an early/easy reader (and not a baby book or chapter book).


The story is about a young girl who befriends an otter.  That’s all I know.

255D: Afternoon in the garden…sees fairies (Solved)

A chapter book (possibly), with green binding, printed pre-1950s I’d say. Suitable for the 8-12 group, I think. It’s about a girl who is home (possibly sick), and goes outside. The garden is described beautifully with winding stone or brick pathways, and as she walks down them, she finds fairies among the plantings.

254D: Toothsome, savory and oh-so delicious pancakes

My brother and I are searching for a childhood book. I remember having the book read to me when I was two, so about 1957.  It was a story about a nun who made ‘toothsome, savory oh-so delicious pancakes.”  I don not remember the title, nor the author.  It was a picture book.  Not much to go on, but I will not give up, lol.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

253C: Two girls form a friendship and write a book

Children’s book, probably writer in the 40’s or 50’s about two women who were friends when they were younger. They had started a book; one girl would write a chapter and then pass it to the other who would do the same. They had a teacher who they didn’t like. The teacher had hair that was rolled in a bun that looked like sausages. They also painted illustrations for the book on the wax paper the Shredded Wheat biscuit came in.


250A: A Long Lost Christmas Book (Solved)

Greetings from upstate New York!
I hope you can help me identify and find a book I had as a child.
I do not know the title or what the cover looked like because my copy was missing the cover. But here are the facts as I remember them:

I was born in 1960, so this book had to be late 50’s early – mid 60’s
It was a Christmas book – containing many different stories/legends from the birth of Christ to the real Saint Nicholas to Christmas legends like the Christmas Spider
It was a large, oversized book, say 12″ x 18″ ish. It was not a thick book.

What was so great about it was the artwork – very beautiful renderings – not cartoony or modernish, more like realistic paintings. So the art was appealing for even adults, but the stories were short, maybe one or two per page. If I had to guess, I would say the art style was something similar to this picture below.


As a child, the images I remembered the most was the story of St. Nicholas paying the dowries of three poor women. They were all sleeping in a bed and he threw a bag of gold in through the window.
There was also a story of this flying ( but I don’t remember it with wings!), hairy, red-eyed beast with sharp tusks/teeth, but I can’t remember the story. LOL – I don’t think it was Krampus, because it was more like an animal (wolfish) than a human devil guy.
Another feature was the rich colors of the end papers. Like a renaissance fabric pattern. I think red with a little blue and gold in a repeating diamond pattern, I think – it has been a long time since the book was lost or given away.

So I know these are a lot of random details – I wish I had the title and publisher, but maybe you can help me – my desire is to purchase a replacement copy to pass on to future grandkids.