Category Archives: 1940s

329F: Creatures on Venus

The book I am interested in is a juvenile / YA science fiction book most likely written in the late 40s or 50s or very early 60s before we landed space probes there. The main character is a boy. They land on Venus and find deserts and no life, but along the way the main character gets lost and finds a valley with dinosaur-like creatures and small primate creatures. Eventually, the primary expedition finds him and all turns out well. I have searched the net but have not found any trace, I checked it our from our public library many times in the 1980s. Thanks!

328J: Topsy Turvy (Solved!)

This was a book passed to me by my mother in the early 1950s. I think it might have been published in the early 20’s-40s maybe? It was a small book in size, grayish cover, with real photos. As I remember it, there was a young girl (maybe blond with curls) in a hospital. She got her name Topsy Turvy because she had to be hung in some manner that put her upside down, maybe? I believe she was an orphan and was eventually adopted – similar to “Daddy Long Legs”. The only reason I think this is a different book from that is I clearly remember a lot of hospital pictures in it.

My mother was a nursing student in Boston in the early 40s so it maybe it was something they produced?

327F: Bard and his warrior best friend

Children's book, probably from the mid-20th-century (I encountered it as a child at my grade school's old library in the 1980s in a post-war style hardback), about a young boy who's training to be a harpist/bard.  He has a good friend who is either an invading Saxon prince or a Celt defending against the Saxons, or something like that. Thanks for any help!

326L: Beautiful Dresses From Night Sky

I live in the UK and I am looking for a Children’s anthology of stories (I think), which I had as a child in the 1950s (it may have been older).   It included a story about three poor princesses called Cordelia, Sylvia and Arabella who were invited to a ball but had to make their dresses from old curtains.  The animals and birds helped to make them beautiful dresses from the night sky, sashes of rainbows, ice crowns and stars for their hair and fluffy cloud cloaks.  It was a lovely story, illustrated with black and white drawings.  I have been searching for it for years with no luck.  Maybe someone might recognize it and be able to tell me more.

325L: Ringmaster is a balloon who inflates himself! (Solved!)

This children’s picture book was always hanging around our vacation home, and in the mid-fifties it looked old, so I guess it was from the late thirties or forties. Definitely not after mid-fifties.  It was a book about a balloon ringmaster who blew on his toe and inflated himself and then I believe he inflated the rest of the circus.  It had some color in the pictures, I think, not many pages, hardbound.  The ringmaster was round body, round head as you can imagine.  Any ideas?

324X: People Do Their Night Jobs

Seeking a 1940s or 1950s children’s picture book.  I believe the illustrations were somewhat colored and others were only line drawings of color.
The story tells about all the different jobs that people do during the night while we sleep, such as the mail trucks, milk trucks, or trains that deliver things.  Bakeries, maybe?
It was a treasured book at my great-grandmother’s house for my father when he was little, and then I read it over and over when I was little.  Sadly, it was either sold or taken by his aunt when the estate was settled.

324R: Teen Son and Father in 20th Century help Patient who speaks Ancient Greek return to hidden Greek location

For some time I have been trying to remember the name and author of a book I read when I was around 13 years old, in the 1960’s.  I believe the book would have been written in the 1950’s or early 1960’s, although maybe it was earlier from the 1940’s.  I borrowed it from the public library in town.

It was by a male author who also wrote adult mysteries.  My father recognized the author’s name and so also read this book and we talked and joked about it a little bit that year.

The plot is generally, that there is a boy, (young teen?) whose father is either a doctor or professor or archeologist ,who must speak Greek, because he is called in to talk to a patient who speaks ancient Greek.  The patient says that he is from Greece (somewhere in ancient Greece, only to him it is the current and only one).   Apparently he died and was sent out across the River Styx and ended up in a hospital or a mental institution in England, I believe.

So he wasn’t really dead when he was sent on his journey to the afterlife.   As the father and the patient talk, the father and the son decide to go with the patient to retrace his journey and find the ancient Greek outpost that has somehow survived into the the 20th century.  They find it and although I still can visualize this place, surrounded by mountains and cut off from the modern world, I cannot remember the ending of the book either.

I remember odd lines and scenes from the book.  For example, the son has decided to read the Bible front to back and reflects upon some of the odd customs and the many battles in the Old Testament.  Also, one of the things the patient says is that he prefers to clean himself by stepping into a basin of water and not the contraption where you pull on a chain and you are rained upon.

I have looked at many of the mystery authors of the time and have tried to see if they wrote such a book to no avail.  I also looked in the Public Library where I grew up but it was too overwhelming and there is a good chance that book is not only out of print but was put into one of their many book sales years ago.

I cannot remember the title.  Did it have “Zeus” in it somewhere?  Did it refer to the river Styx?  Did it have some cute title like the Greek Urn Cracked?   The title must have captured my attention.

I appreciate your help with this as periodically I become obsessed with finding it.

322J: The Mountaineer Children (and Dog) (Solved!)

Title: The Mountaineers – A children’s book from the 40’s
I am not sure that this is the correct title, as I have been unable to find it though any searches.  However, the book had a wonderful illustration on the cover of a number of children and a large dog climbing a mountain or hill.
I don’t remember much about their adventures, but the book was re-printed in the 70’s with the same cover illustration.

322H: “Peter, Please, It’s Pancakes”

I enjoyed this book beginning in about 1955 but had two older sisters (the oldest born in 1946) so it could have been purchased as early as that.  It was a hard-covered book and had stories for children of different ages.  Each story had, under its title, a number of asterisks (I think one through six) equal to the age of the child it was appropriate for.  For example, ******  was a story for a six year old.  The only title I remember from the book is “Peter, Please, It’s Pancakes”.  I would love it if you could identify this book!