My grandmother used to read us a story about Perry the Squirrel who lived with his siblings in a hole in the tree.Then a forest fire came. Circa 1950+1960
Category Archives: 1950s
311S:Awake All Night
[Private Role=”author”]Judith Storteboom,[/private]
A children’s book from 1900-1950 about little girl who is told by doctor she needs to go to bed an hour earlier each night. So every night she goes to bed one hour earlier and soon is going to bed during the day and awake all night.
311Q:Deployments And People Of Power
In 1954 I read a book about POWER. The thrust of the book was observed methods or deployments people of power use. I.e., In a meeting the attendees will sit automatically by their importance to the chair. The most important will sit to the right of the chair while the least important will sit left of the chair. The author states, Power is so important in society it should be taught in schools.
311G: Jacobites and Second Sight
Hello. I’m looking for a children’s/ young adult novel I found in a school library in 1977. I thought of it then as an “older book,” so I’m guessing the publication date to be between 1945 and 1965. It’s historical fiction that takes place during Scotland in the Jacobite period. The main character is a teen girl who sometimes has visions via the “second sight,” a gift that allows her to help save the prince at the end. It’s not a Sally Watson book.
310W:It Was His Home
Looking for the title of an illustrated children’s picture book published in the mid-1950s to 1960 or so. It was about a dog (possibly named George, possibly a poodle?). My husband’s family recalls nothing about the story except the refrain, repeated throughout the book, “(But) It was his home, and he liked it there.
310T: The Fire Truck Story
There’s this picture book I swear my grandmother had. I believe it had 4-5 stories of motorized things. A tractor maybe, a dirigible, a firetruck, etc. I vividly remember the firetruck story. Burning building collapsed, bricks walls fell down, the fireman survived by laying under the truck. The tires all blew but the engine kept running, eventually the firetruck and fireman were both dug out. Was this a dream or is this a real book? It was probably published in the 50s. I remember it being ancient when I was a 70s kid.
310S: The Boy And His Cat
310N: Oregon in the 19th century
309V: Children Stranded on Island
Children stranded on island, cared for by older sister, and rescued by a ship at end. The sister only regrets that one child’s broken leg had been set incorrectly. I read this in the fifties, probably published before WW II.
309S: Miguel, The Dirty One
The book I am looking for is/was a children’s book that I loved as a child. I was born in 1955 so I am guessing the book was published in the 1940s or 1950s. I checked it out, with the help of my mother, from the Pittsburg, California Public Library. I think I remember that the cover of the book was red and the illustrations were in black and white.
It was about a little Hispanic boy, Mexican, I think, who hated to take a bath. His family and village all must convince him to take a bath for some special celebration. I think the name of the book was the boy’s name, maybe Miguel, The Dirty One.