Category Archives: 1970s

346V: Sex Workers Categorize Their Types of Clients

Non-fiction. Published pre-2008.  Possibly a few decades earlier. Authored by 1 or 2+ woman writers. This book details 13 (?) 15(?) types of male johns who frequent female prostitutes.  It is the result of studies and/or interviews conducted with prostitutes (possibly including 1 or more of the authors?) about the archetypes of johns who are categorized based on their preferences, requests, proclivities. It is an obscure book, somewhat academic in nature.  Possibly a U.S.-based publication. The title–I believe–did include a number referencing how many categories of johns there are.   (Note:  the book is NOT The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It).

346R: Medieval prince feigning illness (Solved!)

Looking for a children’s picture book from the 1970s. It was about a prince trying to get out of something. He draws red spots on his face to pretend to be ill. It’s set in medieval times, as he wore tights and those pointy slippers/shoes that turn up at the ends. That illustration or the cover was purple. Hardcover, portrait and about 8x10” or letter size. Might be British.

346L: NYC girl and cat go to ancient Egypt

Read in 1973-1978, for elementary school readers, minimal illustrations. A girl from the Upper West Side (i think) has a stepmother who she is in conflict with, and a cat who she loves. Somehow she and the cat are transported to ancient Egypt where cats are venerated, and maybe her cat is even Bastet. Someone in ancient Egypt also represents the present-day stepmother. Girl returns and the resolution with the stepmother is refreshingly NOT fantasy-perfect.

346K: Girl + boy eat so many pumpkins / pies that they roll away happily ever after

Read 1973-76, for young readers, pictures every page, text every page?, fields of pumpkins between their homes. I think the girl was the pumpkin princess and the boy was a commoner or vice versa. Does he invent pumpkin pie? They both love the pie or pumpkin so much that they eat until they are each as round as pumpkins. Story ends with them literally rolling away in their happy roundness, likely disobeying parents through their connection.

346H: Picture Book – Kid With Blanket on Beach

Here’s what I’m looking for:
Old children’s book
Mostly line drawings
The line drawing might have one splash of color in it on some pages
Very few words on each page, maybe one or two
About a little kid, has a blanket in the story, maybe the beach?
Has a humorous ending
Small book, I think hardback
Horizontal, rectangle
Yellow cover maybe
Read to children in the early 1980s so may be published 1968 to 1984?

346F: A Rich Small Man and Poor Large Man Switch Houses

Seeking a picture book, illustrations probably pen and ink, blueish tones. A large, poor man lived in a small house. A rick small man lives in a mansion. They are each becoming tired of their own houses, so agree to swap, expecting to love each other’s house. They initially do, but ultimately discover that the preferred their own house. Date: I was born in 1976, so earliest read would have been 1979-80. Location: I live in the UK (England).

346E: Book about a little girl with lace gloves

Hi, I have tracked down all the books from my childhood (a few through your site!) but there is one I simply cannot find. All I can remember of it is there was a little girl with pretty lace gloves. I believe the gloves may have been a plot point – that she lost them or something. It was a picture book. I am American, born in 1974, and I remember this from when I was quite young, so I’m thinking late 60’s, early 70’s. The girl was all dressed up and put on these little wrist-length gloves and went out somewhere. Any thoughts you had would be greatly appreciated!

346D: The Grass has Eyes

This is a children’s book I checked out from the library in the mid to late 70’s. I think it was about an explorer and the book followed him on expeditions. However, I don’t remember if the gist was that the person telling the story was sort of exaggerating his exploits. The illustrations were pen and ink and colored in watercolor. The one thing I remember most about it was one of the illustrations had the man standing in a tall field of grass, and that the grass itself had eyes. It creeped me out as a child. It’s haunted me ever since. I’d love to be able to read that book again.

345V: Elementary school reader – Pigs trying to sell their house

Hi! I'm trying to find a school book from the late '60's or very early 70's. Probably a second grade reader but I'm not certain. It has multiple stories and the one I remember is about a married couple of pigs trying to sell their house. Each animal that comes to look at it suggests something they would like changed about the house. The pigs change each thing and by the end of the story they don't want to sell their house anymore. Does anyone remember this book? It was read with the classic Dick and Jane books for sure.