Category Archives: 1970s

322L: Historical fiction for teens, set in 1800s or early 1900s

I purchased this book in the late 1970s or early 1980s. It was about a girl who started out very poor, but whose father somehow struck it rich (gold?). I don’t seem to remember a mother. The MC made friends with a girl who was from a proper family. Maybe they met at boarding school. The MC fell in love with the friend’s brother but it was always intimated that she might be too “new money” to be suitable for him. The MC also befriended a colorful actress named, Florie or Flossie. Her advice was to be flashy and I seem to remember the phrase “plenty of ooh la la”. But gradually the MC realized that the actress might be a bit gauche. One main struggle was the MC trying to seem well-bred and not like new, flashy money. I remember scenes of the MC being fitted for and purchasing new, elegant clothes.

322J: The Mountaineer Children (and Dog) (Solved!)

Title: The Mountaineers – A children’s book from the 40’s
I am not sure that this is the correct title, as I have been unable to find it though any searches.  However, the book had a wonderful illustration on the cover of a number of children and a large dog climbing a mountain or hill.
I don’t remember much about their adventures, but the book was re-printed in the 70’s with the same cover illustration.

322A: Magical Oven Confounds Rude Neighbor Boy (Solved)

I read this book as a child in the 70’s. A brother and sister’s family moved to a new town. Their obnoxious and rude neighbor boy, I think his name was Jamie, played with them. They didn’t like him but they didn’t know anyone else so the put up with him. They discovered an oven in an old shed on their property. They baked a batch of cookies in it. Jamie selfishly wolfed them down and turned into some king of animal. The oven had magical powers if you ate something that was baked in it. That’s all I remember. I hope someone can help.  Thanks.

321L: Amnesiac Girl Buys Horse (Solved)

I am looking for a 1960-1980 era book, about a girl with amnesia that ends up working on a horse farm, buys a horse from going to slaughter, and then discovers she used to be rich and jumped show horses. Her step parent [I want to say father] ended up being the culprit. The point of view was from the girl, and I want to say the book starts with a car accident, which causes the amnesia.

320Q: Fairy Tale Book(s?) From 70’s Or 80’s

I am trying to identify one or two books from the following two images (I cannot remember if they are clues to two books or if they are both from the same one.)

I remember a rather thick book with a mix of fairy stories, myths & legends from around the world, probably printed in the 1970’s or 1980’s. (I was born in 1981.)

The first image is of my Grandma reading us a book, although it is blurry.

The second image, is a sketch by me of a calligraphy detail in the book, on a title page, I think, which I loved to trace as a child.

I am trying to identify the book(s) represented in each of these photographs, whether they are one in the same or two similar books with collections of stories.  If you could help solve the mystery, I would be much obliged.

Please find the two picture clues below:

320O: Animals’ Body Parts Switcheroo

Have fun with this one. I'm taking a shot in the dark here that anyone knows what I am talking about, because my mother doesn't. It is a children's book from as late as probably 1982. Guessing possibly around 1975-1980? Literally all I can remember is an image of animals with switched body parts. Not sure how many animals or how many different body parts were switched. Could have been only 2 animals. Different heads for sure. One might have been short with the head of a taller one and vice versa. They might have been barn animals. And something about one of them getting stuck under a fence. Because he was too fat maybe? Like a chain link fence. And that's it. A flash of a memory of one page of a book that, if I can figure it out, is for sure my first identifiable memory.

320N: Toy Store With Trains

I am looking for a children’s book about an old man who had a toy store. It may have been toy trains. They had pneumatic tubes. I remember a picture in the book where the man and a young boy are looking through a big window at a miniature city of toy trains. My guess on publication date is the 1970’s.  I've thought a lot about it and maybe the old man was a banker.


320J: Fold-Out Illustrated Pig’s Adventure Series (Solved)

I’m looking for a book about a pig (or some animal, but I am pretty sure it was a pig) who goes on adventures. The books were a series, and were all fold-out books, with illustrations only, no text. The books were wider than they were tall, to accommodate the fold-out pages, which were flaps that unfolded to the right. One that I remember involved the pig going camping and getting rained on. I read them in the early ’80s, so I imagine they were published in the ’60s or ’70s.