Category Archives: 1970s

320G: Sci-fi about a seductive green vine

This book was probably from the 1970s or 1980s (I read it in the 1990s), and its hardcover was entirely covered in green vines (from what I remember). It was about an (alien?) plant that grew really fast and completely covered a family’s house. The members of the family are totally entranced by the vine, which seems to cast a kind of spell over them (and maybe even speak inside their minds?), until it is almost too late to do anything and they’re entirely trapped.


319Z: Turn, Turn, Turn

This young adult book from the 1960s or 1970s was set in the Southwest, maybe Arizona or New Mexico. A girl's parents have divorced so she is sent to live with her father, I think. The song "For everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season, turn, turn, turn" is featured in the story somehow. Some of the characters in the story are Native American but I'm not sure whether the girl and her father are, or not.

319O: Little Boy Turns Into Tiger

Looking for name/author of a kids book from early 70s about a boy who dresses up as a tiger, but the book is written like he IS a tiger. He lays "on a tree branch" (actually the back of the sofa, I think), scares his sister, etc. At the end, he finally takes off the costume and goes to sleep. I think the artwork was pen and ink and the cover was orange, but I can't be positive after all this time.

319L: Short story sci-fi, mutants compete to cause most suffering

From 70s or 80s.  Group of normal seeming people can influence others to violence.  Once a year they get together with scrapbooks and show how much war and death they have caused.  The worst one “wins.”  Protagonist is one of them but tired of hurting and killing.  She refuses to use her powers.  They gang up on her and the new contest is who can eliminate her.  Her trusted butler tries to kill her under their influence.  Sorry, I know this one is kind of a downer.

319K: Daughter of Veterinarian helps rescue hoarded animals (Solved!)

Paperback, probably from Scholastic in mid-70s.  The veterinarian’s daughter helps rescue a trailer of hoarded animals.  Her father’s girlfriend helps and gets completely overwhelmed by the suffering, which makes the girl like her more.  The girl refers to herself as an iron hand in a wool mitten.  She dates a boy who likes Bartok.  Any help appreciated.

319J: Brother And Sister Confront Scary Beings

I am looking for a book with two main characters, a brother and sister, and the sister is named Lorna. I forget the brother’s name. I’m pretty sure it was a scary or mystery book about a witch or ghosts. Would have read it in the early 80s which means it could have been published in the 70s. Not much to go on but hoping you can help!

318Z: Monsters In The Piano

The title, actually the subtitle, was something like "OR, The Things in [girl's name, I think it might have been Susan]'s Piano."  It was about a girl who was bad at playing the piano, maybe willfully from refusing to practice, and inside the piano were monsters who were hurt or injured or horrified or angry or something, by her bad playing.  They may have been musical notes come to life.  It was a picture book in my elementary school library, so it was published before 1982.  Probably in the 70s.  It was sort of psychedelic and the characters were almost ugly, deliberately so.  I remember lots of teeth in big mouths.

318T: A Runaway Train and a Human Cannonball, Plus More

The book is a collection of short stories, documentaries, and possibly some poetry and such.  I remember stories about a runaway train, a human cannonball and possibly some sort of road trip.  I think there was a board game printed in the middle of the book that related to one of the other stories.  There were black and white photographs of the human cannonball performers, and they talked about knowing lots of languages and sometimes switching languages mid sentence.  I remember it having a blue cover but that may not be very applicable.
I know it was published before 1980 and probably before 1970 or possibly even in the 60s.

318O: Teenage Boy Won’t Stop Growing

The title is something along the lines of “what do we do/are we going to do about (insert name)” or “the (insert name) family.”   It’s a hardcover illustrated book published around the late 1960s to early 1970s about a teenage boy in a large family who keeps growing and growing, and eventually outgrows his bed, his shoes, his clothes. The family I think was modeled after the TV classic ‘The Waltons’, and the grandparents live with them. As the teenage boy grows and grows, the illustrations show family members amused by how he’s outgrowing everything. I think he even spouts a beard after awhile. I think the boy’s height eventually surpasses his father and his grandfather.

318J: Poems Teach Kids English

Seeking hardback book from the late 60's early 70's for kids, I think had a yellow cover, with poems about parts of speech like "beware the dangling participle" and a snake dangling from a tree. Probably 8 or 10 different poems for different parts of speech. Seems like one of the poems has mugwumps but I am not 100% sure. Sorry I can't remember more.